e provenienti dagli Horti di Mecenate. Fu rinvenuto nel 1876 nei pressi dell'Auditorium. Secondo la mitologia, Oreste ed Ifigenia erano i figli di Agamennone, re di Micene e di Clitennestra, figlia di Leda e Tindaro, re di Sparta nonchè sorella di Elena di Troia.
This tesellated mosaic is laid upon a terra-cotta support and served as a central emblema in a floor decoration. it can be dated between the second and third century AD. From the Horti Maecenatiani. found in the area near the Auditorium in 1876. In Greek mythology, Orestes and Iphigenia they were sons of Agamemnon, king of Mycenae and Clytemnestra, daughter of Leda and Tyndareus, king of Sparta, as well as sister of Helen
of Troy.
Simone C.
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